Wow, if I thought October was busy then November was something else. I read and watched very little, but what I did was very good!
Yellow Birds by Karen Green - 3.5/5
Thank you to River Street Writing for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review! Green is a very talented writer and I loved the flow, vibe, and descriptions of bohemian concert living.
Storm of the Century by Stephen King - 4/5
Okay, fine, yes I only read this because some random Instagram account said that this book partially inspired Midnight Mass and I don’t know if that’s true, but it was still good. I found it interesting that this was only written as a screenplay and it was interesting to see how King formatted and wrote that compared to his novels and other screenplays I’ve read by other writers. I enjoyed it, and I get the similarities to Midnight Mass, but I think you can guess what holds my heart.
A History of Wild Places by Shea Ernshaw - 3.5/5
OKAY FINE YOU CAUGHT ME I ONLY READ THIS BECAUSE SOMEONE ON THREADS WAS GIVING RECOMMENDATIONS ON BOOKS BASED ON YOUR FAVOURITE SHOW AND GUESS WHAT THIS WAS RECOMMENDED TO ME FOR WHICH SHOW?! I understand why that person gave me this suggestion, and it was a good book. I want to read more of Ernshaw’s work, but there were certain suspensions of disbelief here that I don’t think entirely worked.
Hamilton A Guidebook from Memory - 5/5
Thank you to Robert Motum for sending me this in exchange for an honest review! This was such a cute and creative way to show love for Hamilton with a personal touch from the community. I only have a couple of gripes: I would have liked more pictures of the places mentioned, and it would have been nice to have the names of those who submitted their stories listed either with their contributions or acknowledged at the end.
It’s What Inside dir. Greg Jardin (2024) - 5/5
TikTok you didn’t disappoint, this movie was phenomenal! It was funny, creepy, and the acting was absolutely phenomenal by all involved. Don’t skip this one!
Heretic dir. Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (2024) - 4/5
I was so excited for this movie to come out and it didn’t disappoint. I love religious horror and think Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East were fantastic in this!
TV Shows
Yellowjackets - Season 1
Rewatching this because my dad was interested in seeing it. Technically we still have one episode left to finish the season so I’m excited to see his reaction to it!
I was not as in Skypeia as the other arcs. I loved the idea of the Sky Island, the politics involved, and would like to have a Cloud Fox, but some of it was a bit more complicated to understand.
Still trucking through and I’ve gotta say, I really don’t know why David Lynch kept going after he revealed who killed Laura Palmer, but let’s see if any of these new plotlines go anywhere?